Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Script and Plot

Natalie leans against a wall smoking and looking into the distance. Showing no emotions.
Natalie and Katie, sitting in the loft surrounded with music and pillows around them. Lots of laughter and constant banter between them. 
Katie : Are you really ready for this?
Natalie : I am, course i am why wouldnt i be. If you can do it so can i ( bites her nails, tries to hide back her nerves)
Katie: (lights the joint ) i really need this ive had a fucking hard day and everyone is getting on my last nerves. ill tell you something theres nothing better when everyone has pissed you have to have a smoke of this stuff.. (hands it over to Natalie who looks very unsure)
Natalie ; (showing hesitation takes the joint and has a puff) ...(coughing) ahh thats horrible! 
(takes another puff, lots of laughter between them and flowing conversation about her first smoke) 
Katie and Natalie pass the joint around between eachother , Natalie start to enjoy it while Katie feeds it to her.  Katie suggests to spice things up a bit and pulls out a bag of more drugs, girls look at eachother with a smile.

Our movie is about a main girl who is struggling with the abuse of alcohol and drugs, how she has lost a lot of friends and respect for the over use of illegal concepts. its a serious teenage drama, engaging with the 16-24 audience. hoping to influence teenagers not to experiment with drugs. through the movie we would have shown the journey of a teenage girl and her problems and how she deals with them and if she turns her life around by the end of the movie.

(The picture is of our main character Natalie)
in the opening two minutes of our feature film we hope to give the audience the impression of a serious teenage drama. In the first shot which is a tilt down moving slowly upwards showing the audience of a cold girl, who looks sad and alone. the close ups are meant to show the trapped emotions and sadness of this girl resting against a wall as if she has no care in the world. The next shots are of a recollection which this girls having of the past and the first time trying drugs. a strong friendship between her and her friend who seem approachable and kind in the flash backs. It is important for our movie not to be about glamourising drugs, mostly based on the effects they have on teenagers. We used an editing technique on our movie which was dissolve effect this was for our montage sequence.

The opening of our two minute feature film 'Changes'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Story Board of 'Changes'

changes animatic from our storyboard to our final results - we changed the movements of the girls 


-Equipment List
*Location 1 - Bentley way Stanmore
*Location 2 - 129 Stanmore Hill
*Girl 1- Natalie Kosky Mill Hill school drama student
*Girl 2- Katie Newton Mill Hill school drama student
The characters in our movie are both teenage girls who are best friends.
We based our characters on the characters from the movie thirteen.
Working class, public education, lives with parents.
Brown Hair, Hazel eyes
Sweet innocent young girl - aged 16 ( simplistic costume for this part- jeans vest)
(In the flash back )
Before the flash back (Natalie) - Cold, aggressive, moody troubled sole who has fallen out with a lot of people and now struggling with drugs and alcohol abuse. ( dark deep colors, heavy makeup - very aggressive clothes )
AIM-  Natalie had changed a lot from what she used to be like, throughout the movie Natalie would have changed into a very angry child.
Working class, public education, lives with parents
Blonde Hair, Blue eyes
Fun care free happy sponanious young girl- aged 17Natalie looks up to Katie and follows her on whatever she does, its Katies influence which gets Natalie in the wrong situations. Natalie looks up to Katie and follows her on whatever she does, its Katies influence which gets Natalie in the wrong situations.
Equipment List
-Hair and Makeup
*Vodka Bottle
*bag of sugar
*plastic bag
*Girl1-smudged mascara, pachy makeup, messy hair hair ,smokey eye makeup
*Girl 1- mascara, natural makeup, natural hair
*Girl 2- harsher makeup then girl 2, heavier eyes
*Girl 1-Black wriped leggings,hoodie,denim jacket,  purple converses, handbag.
*Girl 1 second outfit- jeans, white vest
*Girl 2- black leggings, white vest, sweat shirt, leather jacket
Schedule For ‘Changes’
Febuary 16th-20th
Tuesday 16th Febuary
13:00 - 16:00 actors arrive
Preperation for ‘Changes’
No Cast required - Location, Costumes, Props and scripts printed.
Wednesday 17th Febuary
12:00-15:00 actors arrive
Cast - Natalie Kosky ( in costume 1)
Filming for beginning of flash back.
Location - Bentley way in Stanmore
Thursday 18th Febuary
(day used to re shoot if needed)
12:00 -15:00 (if contacted on the day) actors arrive
Cast -Natalie Kosky (in costume 1)
Friday 19th Febuary
16:00-20:00 actors arrive
Cast - Natalie Kosky + Katie Newton (both in costume 2 )
Filming in Location - 129 Stanmore Hill
Saturday 20th Febuary
(day used to re shoot if needed) actors arrive
16:00-20:00 (if contacted on the day)Cast- Natalie Kosky + Katie Newton (both in costume 2)
Filming in Location - 129 Stanmore Hill
To the actors Francesca and myself will both be at the locations 1 hour before you so for any questions please come in that hour.