Saturday, April 10, 2010


We had to re shoot and change our film as we felt it wasnt working. At first we wrote a small script, which we decided made our film sound very childish, therefore we decided to scrap the script and use music to build up the tension.

We decided that Francesca would operate the camera and that i would direct the film. Having set these roles looking back we had both shared both roles as we had the same ideas in mind.  For the overall story and script we combined both our ideas together.

We had to re shoot twice this was because we had problems with continuity, the continuity with the joint and as well the lighting. With the lighting for the second part of the film we decided to do it inside with no light coming through as this wouldnt effect us or give us any problems.

For the editing, at first it was terrible. Francesca mastered it straight away were as i found it very difficult. We felt it was to much work giving all the editing to one person so Fancesca showed me how to use it and with final cut pro it changed our movie even more. We decided dissolve effects would create a montage sequence which worked with the idea of a past memory.

Throughout our project we lacked a lot of organisation so coming to the end was very stressful but we now know for next year to be more prepared and more organised.